Lent – Prepare, Fast, Pray, Give
In Lent, we prepare for the celebration of Jesus’ Resurrection at Easter. We fast as a reminder of the 40 days that Jesus spent in the desert, where He fasted before He began His ministry. We pray to reflect and deepen on our relationship with Jesus. We give through sacrifice. Sacrifice could be acts of charity, almsgiving, showing kindness to others.
On Ash Wednesday, we wrote our individual sacrifices for Lent on a cross. These crosses were gathered to make up the large cross displayed in the gym to remind us of our intentions.
As members of our school community, we have accepted the team challenge of Lenten giving. From March 5th through April 9th, each class has a container for monetary donations. Small sacrifices, not having that cup of coffee, or not buying that candy bar, and redirecting that cost to the class container can make an impact. If you’d like to join our challenge, you can call the school office, 856-662-0149.