Parents » Parents


We believe parents are children’s primary teachers and our greatest partner in education. Our goal is to have a strong home and school relationship that enhances students learning. Please, always remember to update your phone number whenever it is changed.

In order to better serve parents, the Catholic Partnership Schools have created the Family Engagement Programs.

Home & School Association
St. Cecilia School has a very active Home & School Association. Parents come together each month to plan events, participate in fundraisers, and discuss their children’s education. Join us on the second Tuesday of each month at 7:00 p.m.!

Family Support Coordinator, Grades K-5
Research shows that students learn and achieve more when parents are engaged in their child’s education. The K-5 Family Support Coordinator, a bi-lingual staff member, will provide counseling, consultation, support and follow-up services to students and their families and implement a seamless program that promotes family engagement and a more positive and effective home and school partnership.

Graduate Family Support Coordinator, Grades 6-8, with high school follow-up
In addition to continuing the family engagement efforts developed in the earlier grades, the Graduate and Family support worker provide key services and educational supports to assist our students – and their families − in the transition to and successful completion of high school. Included, for example, will be writing, study skills, financial aid, and use of technology workshops; information open houses; application process management; meetings with parents, mentors, administrators and guidance counselors; summer jobs and volunteering opportunity exploration, to name just a few.

Extensive 9th grade academic and behavioral follow-up and data monitoring will also be a large part of this effort. In both family support functions, we will track participation, monitor effectiveness, and evaluate outcomes.